JJH Educational project
Why we do what we do
JJ Haven is run by Molly Bam and her husband Neels, who for the past 20 years have opened their home to an ever-growing number of abandoned children. Currently Molly, Neels and a small number of mothers care for 107 children, many of whom are HIV positive and/or suffer from foetal alcohol syndrome and various other ailments/disabilities. Because the local schools attended by the JJH children are vastly overcrowded, and because of the onerous demands and Molly and the carers in terms of meeting the most basic food and clothing needs of the kids, individual academic attention has never been a possibility. Upon having identified this need for academic assistance, we, a group of students from various faculties at Rhodes University, successfully applied to set up a society (university organisation) with the intention of visiting Alexandria to assist the learners primarily with maths and literacy. We were overwhelmed by the support we received from people who heard about the project and provided us with lesson plans, stationery, various other donations, and informed advice. We are currently travelling through to Alexandria from Rhodes University 2/3 times a week, providing hour-long tutoring sessions, as well as planning bi-annual fun days.
Our Sponsors
We have had enormous support from the following companies, businesses and organisations: Pick n pay Edupeg Courier-it Springfield Convent School The Novice Foundation