KZNSA Gallery
Four years ago Joan Martin and I decided to work together on a collaborative exhibition - now set for August 26 until September 14 at the KZNSA Gallery.
In the process of sharing our thoughts, and as a means of remaining 'connected' we decided to use the system of exchanging mail-art
Besides ensuring that we got to see each other regularly for quick cups of coffee as we delivered our latest piece, the process also documented our journey and thoughts towards our exhibition. Each card received from the other required a response from the next and so on, and on and on we went.
The first card is dated 23rd October 2012. To date we have over 40 cards between us.
We will share the images of these cards, as well as the script over the coming ten weeks leading up to our exhibition.
You are welcome to login here from time to time to see the progression of the cards and our story.
Card 1: Lara